

   名:  洪宗超


最高学位:  博士

   称:  讲师

E-mail    1286069643@qq.com

   话:  15271861837

研究方向: 中药及民族药的物质基础与开发利用



2019. 09-2022. 06湖北中医药大学大学学院,中药学专业博士研究生,获医学博士学位

2016. 09-2019. 06湖北中医药大学大学附属湖北省中医院中药学专业硕士研究生,获中药学硕士学位

2012. 09-2016. 06湖北中医药大学大学学院,药物制剂专业,获学士学位。


1、湖北省自然科学基金项目(基金号:2023AFD067):基于多组学技术探索土家药的小冬青抗肝癌靶点及其分子机制,2023. 07-2025.06主持人,在研。





[1] Zongchao Hong, Yi Lu, Bo Liu, et al. Glycolysis, a new mechanism of oleuropein against liver tumor. Phytomedicine, 2023,154770.(中科院1topIF=7.9

[2] Hong ZC, Lu Y, Ran C, et al. The bioactive ingredients in Actinidia chinensis Planch. Inhibit liver cancer by inducing apoptosis. J Ethnopharmacol. 2021 Aug 21;281:114553.(中科院2区,IF=5.4

[3] Chen PY*, Yuan C*, Hong ZC*, et al. Revealing the mechanism of "Huai Hua San" in the treatment of ulcerative colitis based on network pharmacology and experimental study. J Ethnopharmacol. 2021 Jun 10;281:114321.(共一,中科院2区,IF=5.4

[4] Hong ZC, Zhang T, Zhang Y, et al. Reveals of candidate active ingredients in Justicia and its anti-thrombotic action of mechanism based on network pharmacology approach and experimental validation. Sci Rep. 2021 Aug 25;11(1):17187.(综合性3区,IF=4.6

[5] Zongchao Hong, Xueyun Duan, Songtao Wu, et al. Network Pharmacology Integrated Molecular Docking Reveals the Anti-COVID-19 Mechanism of Qing-Fei-Da-Yuan Granules. Natural Product Communications, 2020, 15(6): 1934578X20934219.(中科院4区)

[6] Zongchao Hong, Maolin Hong, Bo Liu, et al. Preliminary Analysis of the Therapeutic Mechanism of Feiluoning in Convalescent Patients With COVID-19. Natural Product Communications, 2020, 15(12): 1934578X20977620.(中科院4区).