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长期从事微生物来源天然产物的生物合成研究:对细胞代谢途径进行精确的修饰或改造,以提高目的天然产物活性或产量、或合成新的代谢产物;或通过操纵天然产物生物合成途径中的基因来产生非天然的天然产物类似物库,并从中发现和发展更具应用价值的药物。先后对二硫吡咯酮类抗生素、吡咯酰胺类抗生素、吡咯里西啶类生物碱、三环咔唑类生物碱及氟化物的生物合成进行研究。近5年来以第一作者或并列第一作者发表学术论文7篇,其中SCI收录6篇,CSCD收录1篇。对吡咯里西啶类生物碱Legonmycin的生物合成研究成果发表在国际著名化学杂志《Angewandte Chemie   International Edition》上(中科院一区Top);对三环咔唑生物碱Neocrazostatin的生物合成研究成果发表在著名期刊《Cell Chemistry Biology》(原刊名为Chemistry & Biology)上。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项。


2015年湖北民族学院博士启动基金,2 万

2016年国家自然科学基金青年项目,20 万





1.   Huang S., Elsayed S., Lv M., Tabudravu J., Rateb M., Gyampoh R., Kyeremyh K.,   Ebel R., Jaspars M., Deng Z., Yu Y.* and Deng H.* Biosynthesis of   neocarazostatin A reveals the sequential carbazole prenylation and   hydroxylation in the tailoring steps. Chemistry & Biology, 2015,   22(12):1633-42

2.   Huang Sheng, Jioji Tabudravu, Somayah S. Elsayed, Jeanne Travert, Doe Peace,   Ming Him Tong, Kwaku Kyeremehc, Rainer Ebel, Marcel Jaspars, Yu Yi, Deng Hai.(2015)Discovery of a single monooxygenase catalyzing the   carbamate formation and ring contraction in the biosynthesis of legonmycins. Angewandte   Chemie .  

3.   Huang Sheng, Ma, L., Tong, M. H., Yu, Y., O'Hagan, D., and Deng, H. (2014)   Fluoroacetate biosynthesis from the marine-derived bacterium Streptomyces   xinghaiensis NRRL   B-24674, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry,   12, 4828-4831.

4.   Huang Sheng, Tong, M. H., Qin, Z., Deng, Z., Deng, H., and Yu, Y. (2014)   Identification and characterization of the biosynthetic gene cluster of   thiolutin, a tumor angiogenesis inhibitor, in Saccharothrix   algeriensis NRRL   B-24137, Anti-cancer Agents Med Chem.

5.   Hao, C.‡, Huang Sheng‡, Deng, Z., Zhao, C., and Yu, Y. (2014) Mining of the   pyrrolamide antibiotics analogs in Streptomyces netropsis reveals the amidohydrolase-dependent   "iterative strategy" underlying the pyrrole polymerization, PLoS   One, 9, e99077.(并列第一作者)

6.   Qin, Z., Huang Sheng, Yu, Y., and Deng, H. (2013) Dithiolopyrrolone natural   products: isolation, synthesis and biosynthesis, Mar   Drugs, 11, 3970-3997.

7. Qin, Z., Baker, A. T., Raab, A., Huang   Sheng, Wang, T., Yu, Y., Jaspars, M., Secombes, C. J., and Deng, H. (2013)   The fish pathogen Yersinia ruckeri produces holomycin and uses an RNA   methyltransferase for self-resistance, J Biol Chem, 288, 14688-14697.

8. Huang Sheng., Yudong Zhao, Zhiwei Qin,   Xiaoling Wang, Mayca Onega, Li Chen, Jing He, Yi Yu,  Hai Deng. (2011)   Identification and heterologous expression of the biosynthetic gene cluster   for holomycin produced by Streptomyces clavuligerus. Process   Biochemistry, 46, 811-816.

9. 黄胜,李娜,周俊,等 (2012)适用于链霉菌大片段基因组DNA克隆和异源表达的细菌人工染色体(BAC)载体的构建及应用 微生物学报 52, 30-37。

10.  黄胜;虞沂*,二硫吡咯酮类抗生素的生物合成研究与代谢工程应用。微生物学报(微生物药物创新专刊),2016,3。