作者:linxy 时间:2025-02-27 16:27:16











2010.07-2013.09湖北民族学院医学院工作 任辅导员、学工党支部书记


2016.09-至今 湖北民族大学林学园艺学院 专任教师


[1] 国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目: 31860073, 中国特有濒危孑遗植物水杉种子活力快速丧失的生理生态机制, 2019.12022.12,已结题,参与.

[2] 湖北省自科基金2021CFB555,葡萄转录因子VvGLK45应答低温胁迫的功能及信号通路解析,2021.102023.09,在研,参与.

[3] 湖北省教育厅科学研究计划资助项目青年项目Q20151904黄花蒿硒富集与活性成分累计之间的关系2015.12016.12,已结题,主持.

[4] 湖北省教育厅科学研究计划资助项目青年项目Q20141902,水杉天然林和人工林的种子生态学研究,2014.12015.12,已结题,参与.

[5] 生物资源保护与利用湖北省重点实验室开放课题基金项目:PT012204,珙桐种子休眠解除和萌发的分子机制研究,2022.07–2024.07,主持,在研.


[1] LuoYongjian, Zhang Yixin, Le Jingyu, Li Qing, Mou Jiaolin, Deng Shiming, Li Jitao, Wang Ru, Deng Zhijun*, Liu Jun*. 2023. Full-length transcriptome sequencing reveals the molecular mechanism of Metasequoia glyptostroboides seed responding to Aging. Antioxidants, 12: 1353.

[2] Luo Yongjian, Zhang Yixin, Jiang Yu, Dai Zhangyan, Li Qing, Mou Jiaolin, Xu Li, Deng Shiming, Li Jitao, Wang Ru, Liu Jun*, Deng Zhijun*. 2023. iTRAQ-based proteomic and physiological analyses reveal the mechanisms of dehydration and cryopreservation tolerance of Sophora tonkinensis Gagnep. seeds.Plants, 12(9): 1842.

[3] Deng Shiming, Xiao Qiang, Xu Cigui, Hong Jian, Deng Zhijun, Jiang Dan, Luo Shijia*. 2022. Metabolome profiling of stratified seeds provides insight into the regulation of dormancy in Davidia involucrata. Plant Diversity, 44(4): 417-427. doi: 10.1016/j.pld.2021.12.001 (SCIE-2; IF=3.359)

[4] Deng Shiming, Deng Zhijun, Wang Xiaofeng, Lu Hai, Xue Hua*. 2021. Effects of temperature, scarification, stratification, phytohormones, and after-ripening on the dormancy and germination of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. seeds. Forests, 12(11): 1593. (SCIE-2; IF=3.282)

[5] Meiyan Zeng, Yuqi He, Xue Gao, Yu Wang, Shiming Deng, Tiantian Ye, Xiaofeng Wang, Hua Xue*.2021.Characteristics and functions of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase S-nitrosylation during controlled aging of elm and Arabidopsis seeds. Journal of Experimental Botany, https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erab322. (SCIE-1; IF=7.298)

[6] Long Peng, Hao Wu, Huang Xu, Meiyan Zeng, Shiming Deng, Hua Xue*, Xiaofeng Wang*.2021.Functional characterization of an unobtrusive protein, CkMT4, in re-establishing desiccation tolerance in germinating seeds. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 173, 180-192. (SCIE-1; IF=8.025)

[7] Liu Huan, Zhu Yanfang, Liu Xia, Jiang Yu, Deng Shiming, Ai Xunru, Deng Zhijun*. 2020.

 Effect of artificially accelerated aging on the vigor of Metasequoia glyptostroboides seeds. Journal of Forestry Research, 31(3): 769779. (SCIE-2; IF=2.361)

 [8] Deng Zhijun*, Hu Xiaofang, Ai Xunru, Yao Lan, Deng Shiming, Pu Xin, Song Songquan. 2016. Dormancy release of Cotinus coggygria seeds under a pre-cold moist strantification: an

 endogenous abscisic acid/gibberellic acid and comparative proteomic analysis. New Forests, 47(1):105–118. (SCIE-2; IF=2.697)

  [9] 刘相泉, 赵仁菲, 朱艳芳, 邓仕明, 李吉涛, 邓志军*. 2023. 复羽叶栾树植冠种子库种子活力变化机制.南京林业大学学报(自然科学版):47(2):35-41.

     [10] 叶晓倩, 刘瑞曦, 冯金慧, 邓仕明, 李吉涛, 邓志军*. 2021. 车前种子黏液对其劣变和萌发抗逆性的影响. 草地学报, 29(12): 2728-2732.

     [11] 王耀鑫, 罗世家, 邓志军, 乐靖宇, 邓仕明*.2019.猕猴桃的功能成分在不同采收时间的变化. 基因组学与应用生物学, 38(11): 5136-5141.

[     12] 江喻, 罗世家, 邓志军, 刘欢, 邓仕明*. 江车前叶蓝蓟籽油提取方法和溶剂的优化.2018.分子植物育种,16(23)7821-7826.


[1] 邓仕明, 艾训儒, 邓志军, 姚兰, 刘欢. 生物分子快速结晶的设备和方法[P]. 湖北省:CN107961557B, 2020-03-17.

[2] 邓仕明, 艾训儒, 姚兰, 邓志军, 孙紫薇. 一种天然产物中有效成分的提取干燥装置. 湖北:CN104833188A, 2015-08-12.

[3] 邓仕明, 艾训儒, 邓志军, 姚兰, 刘欢. 药用植物有效成分提取装置. 湖北省:CN107812394B, 2020-04-14.

[4] 王发松, 张升辉, 向家桂, 邓仕明, 张建林. 一种提取雷公藤红素的方法. 2013.05.15.

[5] 王发松, 向家桂, 冯驸, 胡盛, 邓仕明. 一种提取青蒿素的方法. 2013.06.05.

