姓 名: 邓志军
[1] 中国特有濒危孑遗植物水杉种子活力快速丧失的生理生态机制 (国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目,主持)
[2] 葡萄转录因子VvGLK45应答低温胁迫的功能及信号通路解析 (湖北省自然科学基金面上项目,参与)
[3] 热带东非种子植物系统发育区系学研究 (湖北省教育厅科学研究计划资助项目青年项目,参与)
[4] 越南槐种子超低温保存及其脱水耐性与超低温耐性的生理机制研究 (国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,主持)
[5] 广西道地药材草果种子休眠与萌发特性及解除机制研究 (广西自然科学基金青年基金项目,主持)
[6] 水杉天然林和人工林的种子生态学研究 (湖北省教育厅科学研究计划资助项目青年项目,主持)
[7] 珍稀濒危植物珙桐种子萌发特性及其种质长期保存研究 (国家自然科学基金地区基金项目,参与)
[8] 土壤镉对林木植物毒性的生物配体模型研究 (国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,参与)
[9] 黄花蒿硒富集与活性成分累计之间的关系 (湖北省教育厅科学研究计划资助项目青年项目,参与)
[10] 湖北武陵山区森林土壤重金属的固-液分配模型的研究 (国家民委科研项目,参与)
四、近年主要学术论文和专著(†并列一作;* 通讯作者)
[1] Wang Ru, Zheng Lan, Luo Yongjian, Deng Zhijun*. 2024. The complete chloroplast genome of Stachys geobombycis and comparative
analysis against relative Stachys species. Scientific Reports, 14: 8523.
[2] Rong Zihan†, Yi Yanying†, Shen Xueyang, Deng Shiming, Xu Li, Deng Zhijun*. 2024. Breaking deep epicotyl physiological dormancy
in Chionanthus retusus (Oleaceae) seeds. Seed Science and Technology, 52(1): 66-67.
[3] Zhang Keyan, Yang Da, Zhang Yunbing, Ai Xunru, Yao Lan, Deng Zhijun, Zhang Jiaolin*. 2024. Linkages among stem xylem transport,
biomechanics and storage in lianas and trees across three contrasting environments. American Journal of Botany, e16290.
[4] Zeng Lingen, Zhang Hui, Guo Jinju, Deng Zhijun, Liu Hongbiao, Du Hu, Zhong Yujuan, Zhang Changyuan*, Yao Chunpeng*. 2024.
Rapid construction and application of a vector for tobacco ringspot virus-induced McPDS silencing in bitter gourd. Horticulturae,
10(2): 110.
[5] Zhong Lijun, Dong Hongxing, Deng Zhijun, Li Jitao, Xu Li, Mou Jiaolin, Deng Shiming*. 2023. Physiological mechanisms of
Bretschneidera sinensis Hemsl. seed dormancy release and germination. Forests, 14(12): 2430.
[6] LuoYongjian†, Zhang Yixin†, Le Jingyu†, Li Qing, Mou Jiaolin, Deng Shiming, Li Jitao, Wang Ru, Deng Zhijun*, Liu Jun*. 2023. Full-
length transcriptome sequencing reveals the molecular mechanism of Metasequoia glyptostroboides seed responding to Aging.
Antioxidants, 12: 1353.
[7] Luo Yongjian†, Zhang Yixin†, Jiang Yu†, Dai Zhangyan, Li Qing, Mou Jiaolin, Xu Li, Deng Shiming, Li Jitao, Wang Ru, Liu Jun*, Deng
Zhijun*. 2023. iTRAQ-based proteomic and physiological analyses reveal the mechanisms of dehydration and cryopreservation tolerance
of Sophora tonkinensis Gagnep. seeds. Plants, 12(9): 1842.
[8] Zhao Renfei, Shen Xueyang, Rong Zihan, Mou Jiaolin, Xu Li, Deng Zhijun*. 2023. Dormancy and germination characteristics of
Tarenaya hassleriana seeds. Journal of Seed Science, 45: e202345018.
[9] Wang Ru, Deng Zhijun*, Luo Yongjian*. 2022. The complete chloroplast genome and phylogenetic analysis of Cardamine
circaeoides Hook. f. et Thoms., 1861 (Brassicaceae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources, 7(11): 1964-1967.
[10] Luo Yongjian†, Le Jingyu†, Zhang Yixin†, Wang Ru, Li Qing, Lu Xinxiong, Liu Jun*, Deng Zhijun*. 2022. Identification and functional
analysis of LncRNAs in response to seed aging in Metasequoia glyptostroboides by third generation sequencing technology. Forests,
13(10): 1579.
[11] Luo Yongjian, Wang Ru, Li Qing, Liu Jun*, Deng Zhijun*. 2022. The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Nekemias cantoniensis
(Hook. et Arn.) Planch 1873 (Vitaceae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources, 7(8): 1536-1539.
[12] Deng Shiming, Xiao Qiang, Xu Cigui, Hong Jian, Deng Zhijun, Jiang Dan, Luo Shijia.* 2021. Metabolome profiling of stratified seeds
provides insight into the regulation of dormancy in Davidia involucrata. Plant Diversity, 44(4): 417-427.
[13] Deng Shiming*, Deng Zhijun, Wang Xiaofeng, Lu Hai, Xue Hua. 2021. Effects of temperature, scarification, stratification,
phytohormones, and after-ripening on the dormancy and germination of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. seeds. Forests, 12(11): 1593.
[14] Liu Huan, Zhu Yanfang, Liu Xia, Jiang Yu, Deng Shiming, Ai Xunru, Deng Zhijun*.2020. Effect of artificially accelerated aging on the
vigor of Metasequoia glyptostroboides seeds. Journal of Forestry Research, 31(3): 769–779.
[15] Deng Zhijun*,Hu Xiaofang, Ai Xunru, Yao Lan, Deng Shiming, Pu Xin, Song Songquan. 2016. Dormancy release of Cotinus coggygria
seeds under a pre-cold moist strantification: an endogenous abscisic acid/gibberellic acid and comparative proteomic analysis. New
Forests, 47(1): 105–118.
[16] Wang Weiqing, Song Bingyan, Deng Zhijun, Wang Yue, Liu Shujun, Møller Ian Max, Song Songquan*. 2015. Proteomic analysis of
lettuce seed germination and thermoinhibition by sampling of individual seeds at germination and removal of storage proteins by
polyethylene glycol fractionation. Plant Physiology, 167: 1332–1350.
[17] 刘秋美, 陈心胜, 邓志军*, 邓正苗*, 谢永宏, 李峰, 李四军. 2024. 水流扰动对沉水植物苦草和水盾草生长和繁殖的影响. 湿地科学,
22(3): 445-452.
[18] 罗永坚, 王茹, 赵仁菲, 卢新雄, 尹广鹍, 邓志军*. 2024. 珙桐叶绿体基因组同义密码子使用偏好性分析[J]. 北京林业大学学报,
46(3): 8-16.
[19] 刘相泉, 赵仁菲, 朱艳芳, 邓仕明, 李吉涛, 邓志军*. 2023. 复羽叶栾树植冠种子库种子活力变化机制. 南京林业大学学报(自然
科学版), 47(2): 35-41.
[20] 叶晓倩, 刘瑞曦, 冯金慧, 邓仕明, 李吉涛, 邓志军*. 2021. 车前种子黏液对其劣变和萌发抗逆性的影响[J]. 草地学报, 29(12):
[21] 邓志军, 宋松泉, 艾训儒, 姚兰编著. 2019. 植物种子保存和检测的原理与技术. 北京:科学出版社.